Hmmm... dah due tige hari tak tulis pape... busy sket these past few days. Nie pun actuallynye nak kene pegi training nie, tapi malas sgt nak menapak gie car park besides kerja pun bnyak, duduk jap sampai head-rush hilang. Hmm.. nak tulis ape ha? Kalau salah tulis, jadi bahan kutuk/ejek orang. Kontroversial lah pulak. Tanak lah camtuh, create a controversy and suddenly become a "frenzy". Even though kalau betullah kan bende tuh jadi, good for me sebab pahale "berbakul-bakul" ( ikut ape sorang kawan nie cakap ) dapat kat aku. Ish... bile pikir-pikir, susah kalau nak kene berlapik kat blogger sendiri.
Especially when blogger tuh di create basically for kite sendiri to keep track of things happening in kite punye lives, created for ourselves, and bukannye tempat untuk create bahan for the sole purpose of letting people read. Kadang-kadang bile dengar orang cakap pasal orang lain ( actually nye penah je kantoikan orang cakap pasal aku gak, but malas nak amek pusing ), I wonder kalau the people yang tgh cakap tuh really knows the person yang jadi bahan cakap. Kalau die kate yes, sebab diorang kawan baik, then hipokrit sangat sebab kalau the moment die out of of sight, kutuk/gelak macam nak mati, depan die baik lah pulak ( dah lah kawan sendiri, takkan lah rendah sgt your threshold of tolerance sampai kan ke bende-bende sebesar bijik sagu pun nak cakap. Mane loyalty? ).
Kalau die kate no, kenal camtuh-catuh je, then aku nye opinion, don't say anything, sebab ko takde right nak cakap pasal org tuh even when he/she is a close friend. You don't know that person, so mane ko tau bende2 yang cakap for fun tuh tak boleh timbul jadi fitnah? Kalau kate lah die buat something yang ko rase sgt bagus/pelik/kelakar/tak elok, then mention sekali, comment on it, lepas tuh sudah-sudah lah. Ko rase die nye baju sume pelik, or die jalan macam askar, so? Entahlah, I just never saw ape yang seronok gelakkan petty-petty things like that. Kenelah respect the fact yang sume orang different, kan? Entah lah, amusement tuh , for me, ade lah line die kat mane. Ade this fine line between commenting what a person does or say and finding it amusing, and basically just being a jerk and gelakkan orang over and over simply because ko tak kenal orang tuh, so die easy target nak pekene. How pathetic is that? Hehehe.. ranting in the morning, biaselah general stuff..... tgh carik alasan tamau gie training RISK MGT nie actuallynye, but I can't find one, so haul ass...
By the way my love wife final exam today, hope she doin good...gudluck..