
Been very, very busy today, I just took my car from "somewhere", I love my car Very much. As much as I love my friends. But I know ma car still looks like a wreck, but at least it's still doing it's purpose of transporting me to places that I need to go. I have changed my car into a new looks much more standard rather than hankee pankiee car. Time has passed for doin that. And the changes really killing ma time...kerk!
Well let's just say even if you are.. ermm.. mentally challeneged, if you can drive a car or operate heavy machinery, then I can still whoop your ass whenever you start acting like a spoiled, sick little jerk. All the things that are happening around me is enough to give a migraines.
Anyway, what prompted me to write today, aside from the fact that I'm stuck at the "somewhere"(kedai kunci senanrnya) a little while longer since it's raining outside, is the fact that last night, I had a really weird dream. It was a bad dream... at least in my opinion. Only one other person aside from D***a (seb baik ko mesej aku, pompuan, thankee thankee :) ) knows about it, nyahaha. Suffice to say, I accidentally fell asleep without washing me feet, dreamt, woke up crying, realized I woke up BEFORE my alarms clock started buzzing and then went to the bathroom to smayang Subuh.
After that, I went on a quest to MAKE SURE that everything is the way it's suppposed to be and not warped like the way it was in my dream. So I started poking my nose around places that I really have no business in just to make sure that everything's okay. All of that happened before 10am.... pretty eventful morning.
Anyway, at the evening started out weirdly enough, and the sucky weather prompted everyone to lose their house keys, which means that I spent half of my evening making house keys for probably half of the residents of ma home, I know you're beloved auntie and uncle but keys don't melt just because it's raining outside. Weather seriously "not bad". I was glad to get back home.
Tonight was the movie memoir of geisha(astro 11-1.30), Woo hoo!! I've been waiting for it for so long (saje nk tgk balik) uncle and untie promptly left when the show came on tv (there's no accounting for taste... seriously)...I watched this movie before, that movie with Michelle Yeoh and Zhang Yi. Anyway, the lady who played the villain Hatsumomo, Chinese actress Gong li is freakin' GORGEOUS!. It was really good movi the cinematography was excellent...wish it had stayed closer to the book and developed more of mameha's character, but I guess you can only do so much in 2-1/2 hours of movie time. To tell the truth, I like this one better than King Kong. Tgk org bercinta dengan beruk, buat ape. Pompuan tgk beruk, beruk tgk pompuan, main ais skating kat mane2 ntah. 3 jam plak tuh kene tgk beruk ngan pompuan tgk each other.
Ahhh...crap!!!....I like me when I'm feeling sarcastic, I sound like an obnoxious moron who watched waaaayyyy too many reruns of Friends and Seinfeld. Or maybe just too much Comedy Central, I have a thing for Jon Stewart. Yummy.... wasalam
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