Waaaahhh.... lamenye 4 hari tak tulis..sbb busy mengikuti apeal kes si russian tuh then cut and paste jer russian nye story tu mesti korang pun bosan "ape menda si fer ni buat kan?" hahahahah...(sori ler hari nie kurang ade mood nak tulis everything in English, kalau kene marah ngan cikgu englishku pun nasiblah). Anyways, kite yang kat umah nie baru baik demam yang telah berlangsung selame due hari. For two days, nak bangun katil pun cam torture, tambah dengan sakit perut yang memulas and suhu badang yang tak leh nak decide kalau die nak sejuk ke panas. Kejap pasang kipas, kejap tutup kipas, nak kesian dengan mrs kipasku tuh, baik kesian diri senirik sebab due malam tak leh nak tido, merane sorang2 sebab tanak jumpe doctor. Tang sakit perut tu lah tak tahan sebab nak gie bathroom tak leh, lan jenis sakit nye, nak baring sakit, nak duduk pun sakit. Last-last berdiri jalan keliling umah tgh malam, gie terkejutkan uncle yang ingat kan penyangak mane ntah masuk umah, nasib baik tak kene silat. Nasib baik jugak treadmill dah tak ujud dalam umah (ye ke nasib baik?) kalau tak ade jugak gune treadmill kol 3 pagi sebab takleh nak tido. Hantu betul.
Bangun pepagi ingatkan buleh ler study utk IELTS lebey2 sket... hampeh, habuk pun tak masuk. Ngehehe... then take a break and tgk list people not in my contact list, but have me in theirs. Ade lah jugak quite a few, mase tgh dok2 ponder "pas test nak kene clean-up email, kene delete contacts yg tak....", tetibe perasan satu email me yang kinda vaguely familiar lah jugak. Pastu it hits me. Ish, org nie tak patut have me dalam die punye contact pun, actually. So selepas setahun tak memblock org secare permanent, I broke my rule and move the address to my "blocked messages" kotak. Childish? Maybe. Stupid? Hell yeah. Puas hati tak pastu? Definitely. Heheh. Diabolical minds works in twisted ways. then tengahari buat alligment keta...bleh plak stereng keta aku sengget....cuba check sikit...???
dear fir,
I liked the way you writing(very much).I will not specifically comment abt this entries. becoz I dont want to do that!
However you will need to change your english a little bit to enable most of us to 'understand' your message clearly.
by the way, (the day after 1st july) absalutely amazing. I even read it twice. and( she's just not that into me) was damn freaky..and 1 of my fav...keep on writing...see ya
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