Hullo people (or hullo to myself if no one's going to read this)!! I have been kinda busy. I've had rush to approving bills to, meetings to go, audit issues, books to read for , books to write for....I do like looking at websites, I'm just bad at reading other people's blogger except lindzreen blog, hahaha. I have a terminal case of jealousy, where if I read something cool that other people did, I would be happy for them, but depressed for me, because I wanna do it, too! And if I see something... hmm.... hurtful, yang tak sedap mata memandang (take it how you want to, as long as people who know me best know what it is), that would just ruin the whole day for me. If I can describe this behavior in one word, it would be obsessive. Hahaha... nuts, I sound like a complete fruitcake. I'm really not...
Aihhh!!! Sweetie...Im sorry I didn't reply your email today, Like I said I've had to many things to rush2 today...But here TONIGHT I'm gonna try to lay my thoughts or stuff like that....hmmm
For me honey, if he doesn't have a time with you then so be it. Just tell him do whatever he want to do( go with his friends..) you don't have to sweat it, becoz if he loves you so much...he'll start to miss you and want you be around, hang out with you and stuff like that. dont feel so sad, you still have someone around you right...BUT don't dont even argue with him be calm about it. see what he says.....for now you might feeling insecure or needing more attention from him. Hey Sweetie! it takes two to tango so if it is more attention you want then why not take one day a week when you plan on doing something just you and him and spoil(manja sket2 dah) him....
He will lavish attention on you if he is worth his grain of salt and will certainly come around. how about if we go to the English classical solutions, go away for the weekend somewhere, go out to dinner or even dress up really nice and either cook him a nice meal or order something nice and candles and sit at home and enjoy the meal....Follow this with dessert of strawberries dipped in chocolate. I believe if you ut in an effort to become more fufilled then if he was worth it he would definately come around....
Sweetie! Like I said dont't argue....Just tell him nicely what you told me-"that you're not trying to take away his time". and let him explain his point of view. Try to reach a compromise and settle things peacefully. What is important is that you love each other, and that you don’t want to loose the relationship.
I totally agree with you " kekayaan tak menjamin kebahagiaan" but remember " we can rent it for awhile right!"...make a choice.
Ok sweetie? I might slightly insane on my thougths and another thing that you have to remember... "great way to kill a relationship is to expect attention every single minute"
Aihhhh, I am outta stuff to write. so people and havva great day!
truly me
14 years ago
thanks for sharing your thought.
but i think i need a cooling off period now. just started.
but i'm grieving like hell now.
anyways, wish me luck on interview this Friday.
Cyberjaya, here i come again!
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