Seeing you again has made me realize many things,That times and feelings do change.Looking at you I see that you are happy inside,But still I wonder about the tears you may have cried.
Are you truly as happy as you seem to be?Or is it hesitation, and sadness I see?For whether you realize it or not I do care,And for you I will always be there.
The places have changed with time,Your friendship I hope will always be mine.We have gone separate ways,But we will still share many things in future days.
I want you to know that I am glad you are finally happy and content,You will never realize just what to me you actually meant.I know that the hurt will pass as time goes by,But to say I will stop loving you would be a lie.
For you see, my dearest friend ,You managed to break through the strongly built wall,The wall that surrounded me and protected my feelings inside,The wall that held many tears that I have finally cried.
Your presence will be missed so much in my home and heart,But knowing you are happy, makes me glad that we did part.I want you to know my friend, I will always be here for you.I will always love you no matter what you do.
When you find that you can't go on where you are, and you are unsure of what to do,Remember me and my love for you.For if you need me my friend, I will be there.With all my love and to show you how much I care.
Most of all my friend, I want you to know,That this is probably best for us both to grow,That you are there and I am here,I knew we wouldn't always be together and near.
I suppose in my own selfish way I wanted only for me,Your happiness I did not look for and see.But that has changed my friend so much now,I hope that you can see my love for you and accept it as only you will allow.
No, I don't think I will ever forget you my friend,And I know now that your leaving wasn't the end.I want you to know that when you need me and you find you might be alone,You my friend, are welcome to come back, to my love and my home.
I love you dear friend, do not cry,For I have decided to stay here, and make it and at least for myself try.We will stay in touch of this I am sure,And who knows, maybe someone else will finally mature.
Just remember dear friend, I love you and this will always remain,My friendship is yours, and that will always be the same.Take care my friend, and may your happiness grow,For I love you, and this I did so want you to know
~poem by RW edited by fer~
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