
Today, I've been having a miserable day. nothing to write.... By the way I would like to acknowledge Haslinifairos, thank you again for fixing my pc problems for me, you're the best and you made my life easier :)!

Here’s a couple of gems that I remembered from my tele conversations with Haslini:
(lebih kurang je la erk sbb tak bape igt)

me: I give u my tickets no: bla bla windows passwords dah kene locked banyak kali nih, I tak boleh buat kerja...I dah penat nak explain ni..
her: takpe2 I tgh check ni u tak perlu banyak ckp....(tak pasal2 kena sound)
me: ok2
her: I rasa patutnya takda masalah dah ni....u ade shut down pc u tak?
me: dah bnyak kali dah try tapi tak boleh?
her: okla i reset ur passwords then try to login again...I call u back in 3 minutes to ensure u dah in dlm rpt screen...
me: ok I shut down ni?
her: yer ( cara jawab dh stock bosan ar dgn kerenah aku)

then shut down la pc sekali lagi....lepas 3 minit she call again:

her: mcm mana dh masuk rpt screen?
me: dah2
her: yr new passwords...bla bla bla bla....selalu gan org kita senang ckp melayu jer..
me: takpe I bukan reti ckp english....tak sekolah omputih....
me: ok....dah banyak gila sy tukar passwords ni smpai tk tahu nak buat ape lagi ni....
her: buat je ape2....firdaus, nama ayah u ker...kan sedap hasanudin...
me:dah buat dah....I letak nama u je la mcm tuh?
her: eh jgn tak leh tidur karang...
me: then tak tahu nak buat ape...takpe I try jer...

then changed la the new passwords by using her name....the interesting parts was this is first time ever in my life la..use pc com passwords by using others people name...why it happened?? Crap! then solved le problems aku nih... tak lama kemudian supprisingly she call back...oh sweet!!

her: so mcm mana dah ok?
me: dah thanks erk....I guna nama u jer...
her: habisla tak tidur mlm la mcm ni...I dah agak dah nama I ok....
me: thanks ape email u?

then.......cukup la takat tu jer korang nin!!!.....
yep! am kinda a poyo..enuf..Okay, back to reality....dont start yr fantasis.......

Thank you to all for the nice responds. I really appreciate all your responds and suggestions. You guys inspired me to go forward on my wirting. Once again Thank you to all.



~eRin~ said...

eleh...kes kecik je..pasal password je kan...


Anonymous said...

mmg poyo pun! tak dinafikan lagi...
