Sep 17, 2008



Continuous from *I keep forgetting stuff even though I was thinking about it 5 seconds ago. *
I realized that I seem to be spacing out more frequently than usual, and that scares me, I mean...

scenario 1: I was in the living room, decorating my hari raya card when I wanted to get stamps from my desk for the envelope. I paused my DVD player, got up, got into my bedroom, and for the life of me couldn't remember what I wanted to get. I had to stand in my bedroom for about 10 seconds before I realize what I wanted.

scenario 2: I was writing my book that I needed draft at least 2 0r 3 pages. So I rummaged through my backpack for a pen, took out my notepad... then couldn't remember what I wanted to write. This soooo happened! I had to glance around my room to see if I can remember anything. Good thing I saw the book materials, it jogged my memory enough for me to remember what I wanted to write.

scenario 3: This night, I boiled some water because I needed to make this horrible tasting tea that I need to take with some supplementary (ironically enough, it's for physical and MENTAL well-being). I haven't taken tea for quite some time now, and the medication, and it's been weeks since I used my kettle. I plugged the kettle in, went into my bedroom to straighten my bed and put some clothes on, and promptly forgot about the kettle. While that seemed normal, when I heard that whistling sound (y'know, the one that indicates the water is done?), I couldn't figure out what made the sound and when I did find the source, I couldn't remember why I boiled the water in the first place. I had to walk around the room straightening out stuff before it finally dawned on me about the tea...

I mean, I've heard of absent-mindedness, but this is freakin' ridiculous. Seriously, this is scaring the shit out of me, I mean, I've always been a teeny-weeny-itty-bitty absent minded, but I've never had it this bad. And if you're thinking "he's remembering all the stuff that happened to him quite well, is he faking it?", rest assured that I started writing this shit at 10.30pm, and now it's 12.09am. I had to pause and alternate this and work just so I have enough time to remember everything. Besides, I'm a man, I have better stuff to fake.

Honestly, if anybody at all knows why the heck I'm experiencing this, lemme know, I'd love the input. Okay, I need to take a walk to clear my head and calm myself, I'll pen in again....

~from fer with empty~


mrmalique said...

Assalammua'laikum Firdaus,

Satu je penawar bagi lupa, tapi banyak sebab kenapa kita lupa..sekarang benda tu pun kita selalu lupa nak buat..paling kritikal sebab kita dah malas..

so, penawarnya adalah AL-QURANUL QAREEM..faham2 la apa nak buat..try atleast five ayat per day..
