So we've been fasting for a little over a week now. Having the first day or Ramadhan align with Sept 1st makes it easy for me to remember things :) All in all...Everyone loves Ramadhan, I think the fasting month is just so rewarding. You're just sooo focused on your work and all the important stuff, and you're more calm and collected and you don't damn quite.. as.. much...
I'm sorry I haven't been updating my blog(again 3 days jer), I've been kinda busy(jwpan Std). And when I'm not busy I'm just basically glued to the laptop and concentrate on my writing, (a husband's duty).Yes I do love my own belleslettres (tak kisah ler hampeh ke tak hahaha)...My living room still looks like a bomb zone I think I'm gonna have to concede to getting rid some of my stuff, so if anyone in KL is reading this and they want a chair, a table or this wheely thingy that you put microwave on, lemme know..
Kak Nor and Abang Besar(sblh umah) have been selling food/drink lately due to Ramadhan, so I've been stuffing myself with some really good stuff, like soya bean, and today I had biryani. Yum... biryani. Yum... Soya drink....... life has been good to my tummy lately, but lousy to my waistline. Dang it, I'll never get my figure from high school couples year back, hahahaha. Oh goodness, that sounds so ridiculous! oh well...
I'm prbably gonna end up working in an office for the rest of my life(if pergi study erk), I might as well do something meaningful and something I can be proud of right now. If I can do something that would mean anything to at least one person, big or small, I would be the happiest person ever.
Dang! eh far thanks for the yankees sweater lupa plaks nak ckp dah kat sebulan terima, like it sho mush even though am not yankees's fan. hahahah. So how ramadhan in Seattle, I mean you *just* came out of summer, so the days are still longer than the nights. It's pretty damn annoying right!! hahahaah...are you coming back this raye?.Btw Mar dah intvw kt Petronas(sori Mar tak leh simpan rahsia) seems he fits into the job descriptions.hahaha..dah boring jadi geologist kat states katernye..so thinking to come back...weird!!! ok2 enuf for kroni part.the end!
Ok I got to go...see ya on the flip side..*currently I keep forgetting stuff even though I was thinking about it 5 seconds ago*
~from fer with just~
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