I am please to give myself a chance to feel my real self before I allow my mind to start making plans. It' very, very easy to do. I am just in the habit of doing things backwards. It's learned process from imitating practically everyone else. I felt my world correctly as children and then grew into bad habit of thinking before feeling.
My thoughts are generated on top of thoughts, that appear out of nowhere. I have reaction thoughts to my environment. These reactions lead to thoughts, that lead to more thinking to deal with the original thoughts, and away from me. Emotion result from the process of reacting, contemplating and finally concluding, or maybe there is no conclusion, which can result in emotions of fear or stress.
The world tells me, this is the way. The world doesn’t really know what it’s talking about. Does it? Think about the complicated world in general. Is this really the best I can do? Notice the horribly high cost of living that has taken place in the last 30 years. Everyone seems to be running in place trying to keep up with this high cost of living. Whatever happened to the leisure lifestyle that modern technology was suppose to provide? Now, after all the heroic efforts to keep up with the ever increasing cost of living, the financial market is having a meltdown and the price of gas (unstable) and food is soaring. The world’s plan is broke. so?
In reality, theory fails to deliver the goods. The saying, “live by the sword, die by the sword,” is appropriate here. Sadly, I have found that when I live by the theory, I also die by the thought theory. While I'm plotting my road to happiness, my thoughts can continually steer me the wrong way on a one way street.
I’m excited to pen this, because I live it, and I know how nice it feels. Finally, something makes total sense and I don’t have to believe it, because I can feel it, plain as day. Everything that I have in my life can be appreciated on such a deeper level when I step out of my thinking and get back to me, right now.
For me thinking comes before feeling, what I feel before I think, is so natural and beautiful, that I’ll want to continue this process always. These are feelings that make me thinking mind could never deliver. All the planning in the world wont get me there.
“Life… is… what happens while I'm making other plans.”
Stop making other plans. would I? shesshhh....'fir'
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