~from fir with fly~
Happy raya Eid to everyone, I considered around this time of the hari raya we are in rainy season. But I am sho excited this year. As I said previously I used to enjoy raya eid when I was a kit, but these days I just can't be bothered with it and Raya Eid just brought another sadness things into my life. Every year almost the same it creeps into my mind, emotions, my spirit. I have felt bad, isolated, numb and invisible at raya time. I can't lift this cloud. Some years are worse then others. I now have family and friends and it make it very hard to fake the fun. Sometimes I feel so sad I have to go the restroom so no one see my uncontrollable crying fits, even most people thoughts I am much more tough than I am.
I have been on very bad speaking terms which makes my sadness intensify into thoughts of becoming invisible, escaping from this world.It is getting harder for me to fight the urges to dissolve this life. It is a very complex plan that need to be thought out of mind before sitting it in to motion. The how and where and when is very important. At my age I feel this things are not going to change much especially if the people around me thing that everything is my fault and I just need to change. There no use trying to get help because it’s too much to explain and it’s so complicating and I am just too tired of trying any more. But I am still here contemplating.
However, I believe I am not the one in the entire world, say universe that has not known sadness, not one heart that has not been touched by sorrow. We have all sat and looked out that tiny window and asked ‘why’? Why me? Why am I here? Why do I live? What is my reason for living? Could I have done that different? Should I have said something? I need to go on and live my life...*hug my self*
Anyway just read an email from far. I'm okay, dearie, thanks for asking. Far was worried about my mental well-being 'cause I've been acting like a basket case lately. Don't worry laling, I'm frazzled but still (barely) sane. Some friends are keeping me sorta sane (actually they sometimes contribute to the insanity and are detrimental to my mental health, LOL... but it's a welcomed distraction... sort of.... nyahahah)
Eh guys I am trying to write bedtime story (the girl and the cockroach) but now I realized am just not yet good on that. But I'll try to make it happen...just another crap from me..
~from fir with fly~
"Some friends are keeping me sorta sane (actually they sometimes contribute to the insanity and are detrimental to my mental health, LOL... but it's a welcomed distraction... sort of.... nyahahah)"
Not so agree with your statement!
if you need an idea for a girl and the lipas story...i can help you.. shud change it to this:
"a cute and adorable girl and the ugly-stinky-crappy tiny cockroaches"
and the story shud be a happy ending for the girl & her life is nothing to do with lipas.
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