There is so much I want to say and alot of thoughts I wish I could share, but I can never really fins the words good enough to put in a sentence that would make sense. The first time I talked to you I liked you already. I wanted to be there for you when you were depressed and I didnt ever want to leave your side. At the first place I didnt think you liked me or didnt want anythin
g to do with me but I still talked to you anyway, you were always sad and I didnt like seeing you like that. I tried my best to make you smile. I think after a little bit it worked. I love your smile by the way. It's the most adorable smile I have ever seen in my life. When I see your smile, I immediately light up and have a smile a mile wide. It's crazy right? after a couple weeks of talking to you, you became someone special in my life. I wanted more, but I didnt know how to tell you so I kept it to myself. I dropped hints here and there but I dont think you caught my drift until I started talking about sharing love. I was too afraid to tell you. I love that we had those jokes and making fun of eachother and just talking for hours about random things. The first time you called me, it's was 12.01 am on my birthday, you were the first one who wishes for my birthday and you were at somewhere which is to far away from me . So nice of you and thank you so much dear. I'm not sure why you called at that time but I believe your heart told you to and but it got better after a little while and then it became calls everyday.
One day, I told you I was in love with you, and I couldnt believe it because it was probably the most important decision I could have ever said in my life. You seemed pretty speechless and I was scared I might losing you, but a couple nights later you told me you were in love with me and my heard shot through the ceiling. Weeks rolled by, suddenly we had a little argument after that about "having someone" in your life and I was always getting so jealous about it, but you explained everything to me by dropping me an email and it was probably the best answered I ever heard someone say to me, especially from someone as amazing as you. When you choosed me that was the greatest day of my life by far and I couldnt believe I was finally being someone special in your life too. Nothing was more perfect than us. :) We have so much in common its really adorable and sometimes say things at the same time, we love each other and I am so in love with you infinity and beyond.
I want to tell you are my soul mate. I feel so complete with you and I cant picture you being out of my life. If you had ever left I dont know what would I do. No other person has ever meant so much to me before but you just seem to always make me feel better than I really am. Its like I cant even control my feelings because there is so much love for you coming from me that I can hardly contain it. Its like jumping out of my chest going to you but thats ok with me. I dont ever want anyone else to have my love except you and I want you to keep all my love and never give it back. Im in love with you always and forever. Everytime I think about you I get this smile that is the biggest ever smiled before. You bring out the best in me.
I hope you know and trust that I wont. I couldnt bear the thought of ever hurting you. I would never forgive myself if I did. You are almost the perfect person and no matter how many times you deny it I'll only tell you over and over again. Im so deep in love wit you.I could name a million songs that remind me of you. If I could I would set a playlist of every song that reminds me of you but there wouldnt be enough space and I couldnt remember every song that remind me of you, but I find a new song everyday that makes me think of how amazingly perfect you are and how much I love you.
Allah has blessed me when he sent me someone like you to share my world with. Im glad you are the person I can come to anything and everything. You know everything about me, my past, my present and you already know that my future talks about you. I want to spend forever with you. I want to always be yours and only yours and I'm yours. I want to marry you and live with you and fight with you about what color to pain the wall or what kind of couch and bed to have or what annoying little cat we have to care and what color microwave.
I want to be the one to do all those things with you.I trust you with my life. I'll do anything for you no lie. I'm glad you came in to my life. You made the biggest impact in my life telling me that someone does love me and cares for me. I didnt think anyone would ever fall for me but you came and told me different. You make my life complete. I know I pen alot and you are probably too tired to read it but I just wanted to share my feelings with you. Im missing alot of stuff. I dont even think this is everything I wanted pen. But I dont want to bore you and I dont think there is enough room in the message to fully expain my feelings for you. Just so I love you so much and Im so in love with you and I'll never fall out..”between *laughing for no reason* stupid arguments, long talks and making fun of eachother. I fell in love with you.
~from fir with trust~