Whats wrong with me? Well, I have been trying to figure that out for a while…
There are a number of things that are wrong with me. Things that I can name, anyways.
There are a number of things that are wrong with me. Things that I can name, anyways.
Why is it that I know what I have to do, and yet I cant get myself to do them?
Why is it that I feel that no one can relate to me? As if I’m barely part of the same species?
Why is it that I keep on making stupid decisions, empty promises, and unwise choises?
Why do I always feel like I am so stupid… when I know for a fact that I am not?
Why do I feel as if Im sometimes watching myself live from someone else’s eyes? Or that I feel like some statue?
Why does time seem to be going so fast, and yet, so excruciatingly slow at the same time?
Why cant my fire stay aflame for long periods of time? Why does it always burn out so quickly?
Why do I always feel so tired? So restless? I’m not depressed… but Im not all happy, either.
Why do I sometimes feel so insignificant to the world?
Why am I always smiling, even when I dont feel like it?
Why do I laugh at funerals?
Why do I hate attention, and yet, desire it?
Why do I feel as if Im living life in a bubble?
Why dont I think I can ever fall in love?
Why cant I trust people? Why do I not want to trust people?
Why can I never learn from my mistakes? And if I do, why dont I ever fix them? Or keep myself from doing the same thing again?
Just… why?
~dubya's in fir~
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