Iwan sj and I went to Sunway Pyramid.... shopping beli kasut... omigosh duit habes shopping jek, since I had nothing appropriate to wear. Everything either too tight or too short , LoL. Ade satu baju tu, I can't even remember why I bought it, sure tgh sale buy 1 free 2 yg dekat FoS tuh, sgt tak appropriate nak pakai gi mane2 pun, nak pakai kat umah mcm panas lak or cantik la sgt. What the heck. So terpakse ler carik baju2 yg kurang budak-budak and more mature and at least mcm kemeja lengan panjang ke baru la nmpak executive sket...hahaha poyos...
Setelah byk2 kali window shopping.... found a few stuff to wear :) . Hopefully enough for the upcoming three months (pakai baju yg same je lah). However, I found plenty of shoes!! Omigosh kasut kasut kasut merate. My adidas is so old, it started of as blue sekarang tukar warne jadi kelabu (serious tak tipu). Bosan dah pakai adidas detroit pistons, so I set my sights on these pair of new adidas porsche design limited adittion (mmg cun habes). Specifically for porsche design, one of the greatest shoes with lotsa porsche hhehehe. Best-best. Jangan tanye price, suffice to say, bengkrap lah jugak. Sgt cute. Observe:

My new shoes exactly like this, Why do like these shoes? 'Cause they're limited edition that's all..bleh tak! adus!!!! terfikir gak Ughh... why can't I be rich. Bley je beli sume yg limited edition hahahah....wah! currently pening-pening lalat condition. Sempat lagi tuh nak mem blog, have to if not my eyes would start to close and I'll drift off to sleep...esok kan cuti nak menikmati hidup tak mo tido awal...hehehe
eh fir..kasut tu lawalah...! berape rege?
mahal beb..nnti jumpa sy bagi tahu kamu..hahahha
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