Burning is a more intense feeling that emptiness for those who don’t know. The burning feeling inside sometimes felt so bad sometimes that it felt like molten lava flowin
g inside me. This is a very severe sign of a lack of love. I’m wriitng this so that if you feel this way, I want you to know that I KNOW how it feels, that you’re NOT alone… and most especially that you know that I got better and you will too.So… sometimes I would have this terrible burning feeling inside me. I felt so awful inside, I thought I was slowly dying. One day I felt this way while I was at finnan. I knew that I needed a someone could love to hug me just for a moment....*tears* but, I’m going to be very honest with you about this one thing. It was very tough for people to love me. I was so used to being alone that I didn’t recognise their love, I didn’t know how to respond to it and I couldn’t respond back and sometimes I might also be offensive, because hurt people are the ones who hurt other people (hurt people hurt people)....

For me we should to love others too. Love others as you love yourself. I have written extensively on 'love' topics, but this post is focussing on the absolutely important need to love yourself. Not to “fall in love” with yourself, not to think you’re all that matters - but to have kindness for yourself.
For those who have the empty feeling inside, if you’re like I was, I couldn’t see the fun in life. I felt bad and wrote (or did other things) to change my mood. Read and write (and other things) helped me feel better. I did good things to change my mood too. I used to pen a LOT (I still do). I am sure that helped me become who I am. I've tried being passive and waiting for healing and usually it doesn't work. WHY? because you have to love others and they will love you back, you'll have lots of love in your life right? If you have love in your life, you’ll be less likely to look at peoples in the wrong way, less likely to be down and then over-eat or hurt yourself or hurt others. Love is healing but people like to used it for damaging their emotions and then causing them to hurt each other and be selfish....think!
Let go of those old arguments, let go of what was done to you. Forgiving will result in you letting go and moving on. Forgiving is GOOD for you because if you forgive then others will forgive you too! But even when you forgive, you don’t need to restore the relationship, you don’t have to go back into an abuse situation. Just forgive and let go and move on. Onwards and upwards!...
~love me when I'm gone~
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