So...last friday(30.1.2009) after my dreadful last day at office, and the next weekend my ex-colleague and I had a bbq party...we were kinda swim-ing around and acted like total freaks!!...but it was super-duper fun!! :D
We are supposed 2 meet at 5.00pm...but we officially started around 6.00pm because we had to carry real heavy stuffs from 20th floor to 6th floor..hahahha...
LoL So I can't really put up a whole bunch of pics on my blog 'cause I don't really want to wait to upload s***, but here are a few gems that hopefully satisfies those who have been asking "mane gambar weh?". So walla! Here are some pics:
LoL So I can't really put up a whole bunch of pics on my blog 'cause I don't really want to wait to upload s***, but here are a few gems that hopefully satisfies those who have been asking "mane gambar weh?". So walla! Here are some pics:

The hall of zaza's apartment. Zaza's apartment have a pretty big 4-bedroom(if im not mistaken), 2-bath apartment. The guys you see are those working in my ex-company, and in case you're wondering.....

Me and my mentor, Gabbie. Thanks Gabbie for the shoots! See how cool my mentor is?

THE couples (din and C-tah)..muse of their future..gud luck to them!

for other pics are not up's not forgotten...Im just lazy to upload more pics!!!....however I WILL put the pics later on the next entries...hahahha
we'll surely miss u at the jokes to hear from u again...
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