
I have had the craziest idea of touring "states"(specifically wyoming)....alone. A friend of mine did it. I'm sure it wasn't that bad....except for the visa though! I remember touring by train when I was in Europe. ohkies..I'm not exactly a fan of gettin around by train. But I admitted the trip was pretty fun. I love going to places with rides and stuff like that, but I haven't had any cultural experience for well over many years, and I can barely remember the places that I went when I was there. Actually I wouldn't mind touring with friends of course but somehow I don't think anyone would wanna do the same stuff that I wan to....boring stuff like going to museums, sight seeing and stuff like that....I love stockholm , but aside from the "heart of stockholm" everything are so inacessible. Oh parents would probaly have a fit if I tell them I want to travel alone again, but tour with an agency seems safe unough, so we will see :)

huh!! nak titun sat...nnti sambung tulis blik.....LoL
