Dear Lisa Surihani,
First of all congratulation for been awarded "Pelakon Wanita Harapan" FFM (tatau yg ke bape kebetulan went to kitchen nak minum air nmpak dia nin amik hadiah) . The first time I saw you. Off course you didn't notice me then, because there were a throng of "great guys" around us at your college Help Institute and I was shrimp. Actually I've been working at KPMG, which next of your college building that time. I sitll am, actually. You, on the other hand stood a good 5'8" feet tall...okay. So maybe 5'3", but straight dark hair that you sported gave you kinda cute face, and skinny kinda way.
Back when I first saw you and you didn't notice me, I'm not single had just joined KPMG for a month, and was excited at the prospect of meeting new friends, boys and girls alike. You were standing near a wall and talking to a hensome spiky hair guy. I thought he was your boyfriend. You probably would have said otherwise.
The first time you notice me was in the morning, I walked and accidently my tag fell infront of you. You extended your hand with my tag and smiled to me by then I was blushing so hard. Oh you gorgeous! I think my whole face was red. I hope you thought I was pink from the sun and not from you. I was drowning by the second, so I tear my eyes off yours, adjusted the strap of my carry-all and I was hoping you would say " I noticed you from before"
Oh well not all fantasies can some true. So our next consisted off...
(guys dialog dia mcm ni masa dia pass the tag to me)
You: Here..
Me: oh great! no I mean thanks....
I looked at you and melted. I try not let you walk away without keeping some memory of you, but I just can't.LoL
Lisa Surihani, If you had really given your phone number to me, would we be friends now? or would you eventually drift out of my life like the girl before you? or would you understand and still want to be near me? Would you be there during those times when I was in pain, or would you just say "Erm.. I have to go.. see ya!" and leave because you hate uncomfortable situations? Would it matter to you now whether I'm single or I'm not single, or would we be such good friends that things like that doesn't matter?
Lisa Surihani, if I smile at you now, would you recognize me and remember?
Sincerely ,
The boys who bulshes
Note: I really wish you'll read this....and I'm very familiar with american slang and I know you're more to British...Think! If we have a child together, definetly they will sucess like British American Tobacco.omigosh! Lol.....
Hello to my 'american wannabe' fren...betul ke cerita kamu ni or it's just one of your crazy fantasies? Apa-apa pun keep on posting your wild fantasies..
oh one more thing..dont change the way u write just becoz orang tak paham..i'm beginning to like the way u write..ha ha
Thankee thankee...this is true story la...tapi one back side jer la...side dia...nothing kot...biasa la..mana ade laki tak berngan...especially jumpa kindA cute girl like her...klu tak cayaleh tanya cik zeta kita...hehehe..anyway thanks for everything...good job!
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