
Aiiihhh... holidays are almost NEVER a good time for me. I mean, seriously, it feels like the more time I have in my hands, the more likely I find something that would make me wanna go "bunuh diri" and jump off a bridge. Ever heard of the expression "Ignorance is bliss?". If I can go through life being ditzy and not knowing anything, or maybe just go through life not feeling anything, I probably would. But then that would just be stupid, 'cause there's no room for self improvement. Let's just hope this Thanksgiving would go nice and smooth.... huh me can't sleep tonight...missed dunk with me ya(pic; Jan and me malmo, sweden)


Anonymous said...

hey u r sooo lucky got a chance to holiday abroad!

Agreed : ignorance is bliss.sumtimes.heh.

wanna go thru life by feeling dizzy?take pills (i.e ecstasy) or proven works.hehehe.kidding!

life's many things to treasure.go figure.don't waste it k