I struggled to get out of bed every morning, I was unmotivated in life, and I was generally unhappy with my life. I believe most people have trouble figuring out what they don't like about their life, me either (work sucks, I can't form relationship, and I have no direction in my life) but for me figuring out where to go next is the real key and the also living a balanced life is the real key. It's actually so much more to life than work. Mostly people have to sacrifices their life because of work. Making these sacrifices is kind, but when you spend years focusing your energies to benefit others you'll notice that if your efforts go unrewarded, then you are the one losing out.
Sometimes I feel like my life is slipping away as im getting older and feel I am not achiving things.crap!. What I'm trying to do now make a list of things that I want to accomplish and try my best to do so. I really want to get out and travel the world, meet new people from all walks of live and have a convo, ask question etc, but it becomes harder and harder to find things well worth living. The only thing that give me a sense of purpose is my writing. I find thrilling and it keeps the spark of life inside me alive even bad times. Like I said previously my writing decent the best. For instance, I was writing about love story, the story of my life, stories about people and things surround me or anything and everything. Believe me not, writing can be very addicting...ok enough STOP it Fir!
Lately, some of my friends having a problem with their relationships right now. Guys! Look at your conflicts and recognize that most of you are intelligent adults. Try to find the root cause of a conflict, then work forward from there. Resolve the root cause, and don't worry about the rest....Now, just so I don't leave you totally high and dry, here are my best suggestions:
Friend 1(YouKnowWhoYou're) :
Meaningless arguments....
Meaningless, shall we bothering them. You should be learning to incorporate each other into your decisions. You won't always get your way, and neither will he. Compromise is a very important part of relationships. It also isn't a one for one deal. If you are fighting daily, then you have not worked out a positive basis for a relationship. So? Just take a break, I don't mean break up, or anything, I mean, just take a day and do something by yourself, relax, Just talk to him like once a day, (if you don't live together). Sometimes you just need to step back for a minute. Or do you think something else is going on? when you start arguing everyday, it becomes a routine and your not happy anymore when you are around this person, it's hard to even smile because of the negativity. I say either take a break and step back, or talk it out. Or let it go.
Friend 2 and 3(YouKnowWhoYou're) :
Lack of trust...
If you know he loves you (and you love him), why are you not married? I mean this with no disrespect. I just hope you consider that both you and your boyfriend's lack of trust stems directly, and I mean directly, from the lack of marital commitment. Ok?.You know what dearie, what is the base of a relation? It is the trust, and love,do one thing sit quietly for a while and think about 2 things; Firstly, your Bf and you met the way you both used to behave with each other then. Secondly the way you both behave with each other right now, if you see a lot of difference and then ask yourself why are you in this relationship? are you happy? is he happy?? why both don't trust each other? and then calmly sit with your bf and ask him why he do not trust you, when you love him so much?? ask him that,both of you in a relationship for many many years and when a relationship becomes strong you do not need words to trust your partner analyse youurself, him and your relation. And you are the one who is having the answers...ok?
Friend 4(YouKnowWhoYou're) :
long distance relationships....
I know currently you facing truly difficult time with your boyfriend of 8 years. You might feel little sad, relieved or you just denial and the pain will come later, but trust me you'll feel unburden when it's over. Eventually thing you missed did catch up with you, but don't too much overwhelmed with sadness. It's sort of a bittersweet feeling. When those moments happen, let them, don't shake them off. It's healthier to let them run their course.
I remember a relationship like this, Sound like we have made a good decision, but grief is a strange thing expect waves of different and conflicting emotions for some time, it's good to do some reading on the stages of grief. The stages are:
Denial - The initial stage: "It can't be happening."
Anger: "How dare you do this to me? (either referring to deceased or oneself)
Bargaining: "just let me live to see I'm graduate"
Depression: "Ya Allah, please don't take him/her away"
Acceptance: "I know my self will be in a better place"
Guys wheeeuuw! It's finished now. I am moving on. Then get yourself involved in something different, so make a choice and don't turning back...