
Selamat Berpuasa :) !!!! May Ramadhan brings us many many many blessings, cherished memories and a chance to redeem ourselves and come out better people. Honestly, me head (and tummy) has not registered that it's the fasting month. Hopefully this year I'll be able to do better than I did before this. Dang! forgot something Hapey Merdeka day! (thats all) more story...

Yesterday was interesting in a bad way. Gone dinner with my family officially to celebrate my sis birthday.(happybirthday! I wont tell much about her because she don't even know I have this blogs hahahah becoz I'm worried she gonna comment too mush!) .Lol Today was interesting in a bad way. I am so drained. My chest feels like someone's poking it with a hot pin and then squeezing my heart really, really hard. Sleep didn't come easy, my head isn't in in any values, and all I wanna do is curl in my bed and go to sleep.

I had a serius talked with my father this morning about to study abroad..but Ahhh!!! Malas nak komplen pasal pape we'll see, Ramadhan is starting and I should be happy :) . And in a lot of respects, I am. I just... wish some other things would fall into place too :) .

~from Fer with drain~


Anonymous said...

sengal tu poster merdeka ke poster komunis!!!!


Anonymous said...

eh! kawan ko lindzia tu cantiknyer...mana ko jumpa! hahaha
