Dec 28, 2008



Okay, so I've been kinda horrible in updating my page... sorry!! I've been busy lately, with big event(supprise!!) and getting sick and catching up all that other good stuff... also the abundance in work. Funnnn....

Anyways, it seems to be break-up season yet again. Some of the people I know are changing their relationship status to "single". This is further maginified with the Norman Hakim and Abby Abadi break-up(divorced). I'm sad about Norman and Abby, they were cute together and after several years, one would think that most of the hurdles have gone. I am NOT sorry about the Abby break-up though, I mean the man refuses to remotely act like a husband and father with the constant playing around. Let's see him try and launch that career of his without Bee Bee by his side.

Back to work!


Last night me, Joe Hanz and Iwan Sj went Kayu Nasi Kandar, a mamak restaurant on the corner of Taipan's area,Usj and. We ordered a whole bunch of indian foods( poori, rawa tousey) and had a teh tarik, limau ice and teh o ice limau drink and Roti sardin to end the meal with. Total cost per person: a cool RM 6.... just for supper. And it wasn't even a special occasion, it was just... lepaking supper. After the 10 bucks I spent on lunch, total spending on food, just for yesterday, was a cool RM50, not including reload card. Oh.. my.. bug. I think somewhere between the foods and coffee, I must've caught something 'cause today my head feels a wee bit heavy and I feel like I'm coming down with something. Bleurgh....

My old phone is busted (it fell and the case broke open, buggy bug bug), so I have now discovered the wonders of new E-series nokia phone, one of the most gifted nokia creation. There's pretty easy to use, and decent enough, actually I do miss the phone with camera and being able to zoom on things, and finally I have now discovered the new wonder of nokia technology: E-71. Observe, the camera 3.2mp plus with the GPS function, wifi, radio,3G and many more cool things Picture Preview:

It's close to 3 am right now, and my brain is slightly out of whack right now. Okay, I need to take a walk to clear my head and warm myself, I'll pen in again when I get to AA!



AAARGGHHH!!!! rasa nak Demam demam! Can this week get any worse? Tuh lah, happy sangat last week, kan dah, payback time. Anyway, today I am feel so darn sick adeh! takutlak if I infect anybody else. There's no medicine in the house and office, too. Damn, I'm usually very meticulous about taking vitamin C every day, still I get sick. Dah lah ingat kan nak get my flu shot hari nie, you can't get the shot if you already have the flu! Crappy crappy... on top of it all, Great. Just great. Banyak benda pun tak siap lagik utk big planning, tinggal bape minggu je lagi. Hopefully everything just run smoothly.

I've never been the most obedient child. Slalu je degil takmoh dengar cakap abah (cakap mak dengar lagik, entah, double standard kejap). abah suruh kerja je tak yah fikir study2 lagi, tapi tak nak sebab nak gie overseas gak tak kira ape pun. The only thing that I did listen to him was that to involve myself in the accounting area. Know what, I wish I had listened to everything my daddy said, sebab ikut cakap parents nie banyak berkat nye.Sebagai contoh, my courses, susah camane pun, kambing cmane pun results, mesti ok je. Alhamdulillah sgt2. And sekarang nie, bile situation yang buat kepale tak menentu nie jadi, things are still within my control lah jugak, and tetibe banyak lah pulak "kelapangan" yang wujud. Made me wonder, ntah2 kalau blaja pepandai and jadi doktor dari dulu, I might have breezed through everything nice and well, hehehe. Then again, kalau jadik doktor, takdelah kesempatan nak kenal iwan, dira, sarah, mahyudd, zaza, zeta, nadia, lindzia, gabriel . I wouldn't trade their friendship for anything in the world.

What's in my playlist right now? machine head's "hallowed be thy name".Kesian my neighbor because I keep blaring the computer at ungodly hours. Whoopsie. Hehehe.... me

Okay, nak call my someone..I really love her so much and she love me too..Ciao peeps!


Dec 6, 2008

Keeping mum....


I had a long day today, pepagi bangun gan tak mandi terus jek gerak dari subang gi putrajaya, haihhh visit my untie masuk hospital, Ingatkan just light usual fever tp bile kite gi melawat td, perh!! kinda a seres, haih kesian plak tgk dia.

btw masa on the way nak gi hospital tu, mak sekali lagi buat kecoh. Ade ke dia bawa keta gi langgar divider tepi jalan, adus nak kesian pun ade nk tergelak pun ade. Tapi dr cara dia cerita mmg kesian la maklum la pompuan lagi2 bukan org lain mak juga (sayang mak) ..:), mcm ni la cara dia citer kat aku;

mak: tahu long, mak td nak betul kan lauk nak tumpah dlm keta ni sekali stereng terpusing mak kereta terlompat( bleh plak terlompat) naik kat bahu jalan, mak mengucap banyak, allah masih sayangkan mak.

Dlm pada kejadian tu bleh plak BF mak aku tepon kebetulan (abah la sape lagi);

abah & mak...
abah: awk kat mana ni?
Mak: Inah kat kedai keta ni bang, keta ni stereng dia terpusing, Inah eksiden.
abah: La, mcm mana boleh jadi camtuh, keta tu mmg tak elok dah stereng dia( padahal mak risaukan lauk dia yg nak tertumpah tu).
Mak: ntah la bang.

abah: takpe la nnti belikan keta lain je la, kete tu biar abg amik balik. abg pakai jer( ala sweetnyer bapak aku, klu la aku leh ckp kat isteri aku camtuh, eksiden sket je "tukar keta ye sayang"....cinta gak abah kat mak keskeskeskeskes)

...pastu ade la hal suami isteri dorang ckp...cukup la takat tuh jer leh share..

again mak, kite pun kene la anta mak gi hospital, nak melwat untie kite, sekali dia buat lagi. Masa tu aku sibuk2 carik parking kat hospital, bleh plak mak aku sound;

mak: parking je la kat tpt mak( reserved)
mak: ha tu yg kotak no.2 tuh.

Yg aku heran dan tertanye tuh kat hospital tuh dia tulis 'pakar on call' reserved..aik mak pakar, bila plak dia buat specialist ni*muka blank*..haihhh mmg mak aku ni selamba, kiut dan power. Ape-ape jela mak asal mak bahagia (sayang mak)



Wah ade org majuk... Ita buat lawak sexy pun tak perasan...last weeks ita kawin tp tak dpt pergi because mak banyak tpt nak gi... congrats lah ye ita, mampu cakap nie je, tak mampu nak sendiri menghadirkan diri, LoL. Tak sangke partner in crime dah nak jadi bini orang. Teringat lak selalu reporting kat kita klu tgh sedeh*ehem* ... such as "aku sedih la ari ni".... dan sebagainye (kalau tulis sume skang mampus aku kene ketuk). skrng ni ko buat anak je la, aku nak je jadi uncle Fir, bleh belikan baju Osh Kosh B'Gosh. Anyway, lepas nie tulisan akan di conduct dalam Bahasa Inggeris semula sbb ade yg kawan2 kite dia tak paham bahase.. mcm la dia faham ape aku tulis Inggeris pun(kamus kat sblh je)..hahaha lawak2

Now I have even LESS work than before, and if you've been a faithful reader of my blog, you now I haven't been doing much to begin with. So now I am basically just here killing time and brain cells, playing card and chatting with my sayang, (wah rindunye cepatla flight balik sayang) , Thinking about her is kinda sweet for me, I miss her like grazy. Huh! btw sounds like easy money? Not when you consider the ungodly time I have to wake up every freaking day and the fact that whatever I do now revolves around work. However, I am grateful that money is coming in, so yay that.

My tummy hurts, so I'm just gonna get me some cereal drinks, maybe I'll pen in again later. Ciao! see ya.......


Iwan sj and I went to Sunway Pyramid.... shopping beli kasut... omigosh duit habes shopping jek, since I had nothing appropriate to wear. Everything either too tight or too short , LoL. Ade satu baju tu, I can't even remember why I bought it, sure tgh sale buy 1 free 2 yg dekat FoS tuh, sgt tak appropriate nak pakai gi mane2 pun, nak pakai kat umah mcm panas lak or cantik la sgt. What the heck. So terpakse ler carik baju2 yg kurang budak-budak and more mature and at least mcm kemeja lengan panjang ke baru la nmpak executive sket...hahaha poyos...

Setelah byk2 kali window shopping.... found a few stuff to wear :) . Hopefully enough for the upcoming three months (pakai baju yg same je lah). However, I found plenty of shoes!! Omigosh kasut kasut kasut merate. My adidas is so old, it started of as blue sekarang tukar warne jadi kelabu (serious tak tipu). Bosan dah pakai adidas detroit pistons, so I set my sights on these pair of new adidas porsche design limited adittion (mmg cun habes). Specifically for porsche design, one of the greatest shoes with lotsa porsche hhehehe. Best-best. Jangan tanye price, suffice to say, bengkrap lah jugak. Sgt cute. Observe:

My new shoes exactly like this, Why do like these shoes? 'Cause they're limited edition that's all..bleh tak! adus!!!! terfikir gak Ughh... why can't I be rich. Bley je beli sume yg limited edition hahahah....wah! currently pening-pening lalat condition. Sempat lagi tuh nak mem blog, have to if not my eyes would start to close and I'll drift off to sleep...esok kan cuti nak menikmati hidup tak mo tido awal...hehehe

ok la...see you on the flip side...

Dec 3, 2008

:::home Sweet home::


Aritukan ade argument dgn abah (due2 stubborn, kite jenis yg tak suke kene arah tak tentu pasal, abah pulak suke mengarah tak tentu pasal) pasal, all of things, jogging. Apparently sebab dah makin tembam compare masa mude2 dulu, abah bising2 nak suruh org jogging. Suruh tau, bukan suggest. Needless to say, my answer was a resounding "tak nak malas nyer". Aiseh, kite tak suke jogging, paling bagus tak yah makan lansung tak pun gune elliptical machine ke, weights ke.... paling tak kenan jogging, tak kisah lah jogging tuh di kire care paling cepat nak lose weight, kalau tgh betul2 bosan or nak warm-up je baru jogging. As it is, dah lah sendiri stok yg tak suke exercise depan family, sebab kene komen je memanjang, so bile kene suruh2 camtuh, siap cakap kene ikut jugak besok, I gave a big "tak nak. Mak, tgk lah abah! Ade ke..", packed up buku cerite yg tgh pegang, cakap nak bace buku dalam bilik, and fled, tinggalkan mak nak settlekan dengan abah. I hate it when he does that to me, layan org macam still budak kecik, mane org tak lari rumah , then skrng ni nak gi jauh lagi.Lepas nie nak lari gie mane pun tak tau dah. Don't get me wrong, I love my dad, tapi die punye infuriating tuh Allah je lah yg tau kite rase macam mane.

Anyway, mak bile dah sampai hospital, try nak pujuk. Cakap lah "kene faham lah, itu ini gitu gini..." (okay, tuh bukan exact words die, tapi exact words die org malas nak tulis). Tgh2 nak pujuk tu, sempat jugak nak advive soh gi padang besoknye, die kate kengkadang tuh, it feels good nak ikut kate orang . 'Why don't you try, once, and find out how you feel". Tuh mak cakap. Kite dalam tak nak-tak nak tuh, kene lah pikir jugak kan, ekceli still tak nak, tapi dah cakap dengan mak, "tgk lah dulu", sebab segan lerr nak lompat2 depan org.

Ayat mak lepas tu lah best,

mak : di taman memang ade ramai orang, tapi masing-masing dgn aksinya tersendiri. Mereka memang tak ambil peduli apa orang lain buat. Mereka dah pandang pun kat kite
mak : mereka tak nampak pun kite

Keskeskes.... nasib baik mak aku kiut, so bende2 yg die cakap takdelah rase weird sgt, tapi still kelakar lah jugak. Siap suruh nyorok belakang pokok...

mak : kalau segan, boleh nyorok belakang pokok
mak : tapi kalau belakang pokok, mana nak nampak cikgu aerobic tu?

Keskeskes..... kelakar lah mak, tapi sebab die macam tu lah sume orang sayang, sweet baik je mak, alih2 dapat anak lelaki macam mala'un, tambah2 lagi suka kerjakan duit dia(sayang mak)...

tapi sian gak kat mak selalu dok kat umah sensorang, kadang dia ajak balik..tapi aku rasa cam malas lak sbb geng2 sume area KL je umah putrajaya...hahahahha, Oh well....

"home sweet home" (?).

~from fir to mummy~