Hullo people (or hullo to myself if no one's going to read this)!! I have been kinda busy. I've had rush to approving bills to, meetings to go, audit issues, books to read for , books to write for....I do like looking at websites, I'm just bad at reading other people's blogger except lindzreen blog, hahaha. I have a terminal case of jealousy, where if I read something cool that other people did, I would be happy for them, but depressed for me, because I wanna do it, too! And if I see something... hmm.... hurtful, yang tak sedap mata memandang (take it how you want to, as long as people who know me best know what it is), that would just ruin the whole day for me. If I can describe this behavior in one word, it would be obsessive. Hahaha... nuts, I sound like a complete fruitcake. I'm really not...
Aihhh!!! Sweetie...Im sorry I didn't reply your email today, Like I said I've had to many things to rush2 today...But here TONIGHT I'm gonna try to lay my thoughts or stuff like that....hmmm
For me honey, if he doesn't have a time with you then so be it. Just tell him do whatever he want to do( go with his friends..) you don't have to sweat it, becoz if he loves you so much...he'll start to miss you and want you be around, hang out with you and stuff like that. dont feel so sad, you still have someone around you right...BUT don't dont even argue with him be calm about it. see what he says.....for now you might feeling insecure or needing more attention from him. Hey Sweetie! it takes two to tango so if it is more attention you want then why not take one day a week when you plan on doing something just you and him and spoil(manja sket2 dah) him....
He will lavish attention on you if he is worth his grain of salt and will certainly come around. how about if we go to the English classical solutions, go away for the weekend somewhere, go out to dinner or even dress up really nice and either cook him a nice meal or order something nice and candles and sit at home and enjoy the meal....Follow this with dessert of strawberries dipped in chocolate. I believe if you ut in an effort to become more fufilled then if he was worth it he would definately come around....
Sweetie! Like I said dont't argue....Just tell him nicely what you told me-"that you're not trying to take away his time". and let him explain his point of view. Try to reach a compromise and settle things peacefully. What is important is that you love each other, and that you don’t want to loose the relationship.
I totally agree with you " kekayaan tak menjamin kebahagiaan" but remember " we can rent it for awhile right!"...make a choice.
Ok sweetie? I might slightly insane on my thougths and another thing that you have to remember... "great way to kill a relationship is to expect attention every single minute"
Aihhhh, I am outta stuff to write. so people and havva great day!
truly me
Today, I've been having a miserable day. nothing to write.... By the way I would like to acknowledge Haslinifairos, thank you again for fixing my pc problems for me, you're the best and you made my life easier :)!
Here’s a couple of gems that I remembered from my tele conversations with Haslini:
(lebih kurang je la erk sbb tak bape igt)
me: I give u my tickets no: bla bla windows passwords dah kene locked banyak kali nih, I tak boleh buat kerja...I dah penat nak explain ni..
her: takpe2 I tgh check ni u tak perlu banyak ckp....(tak pasal2 kena sound)
me: ok2
her: I rasa patutnya takda masalah dah ni....u ade shut down pc u tak?
me: dah bnyak kali dah try tapi tak boleh?
her: okla i reset ur passwords then try to login again...I call u back in 3 minutes to ensure u dah in dlm rpt screen...
me: ok I shut down ni?
her: yer ( cara jawab dh stock bosan ar dgn kerenah aku)
then shut down la pc sekali lagi....lepas 3 minit she call again:
her: mcm mana dh masuk rpt screen?
me: dah2
her: yr new passwords...bla bla bla bla....selalu gan org kita senang ckp melayu jer..
me: takpe I bukan reti ckp english....tak sekolah omputih....
me: ok....dah banyak gila sy tukar passwords ni smpai tk tahu nak buat ape lagi ni....
her: buat je ape2....firdaus, nama ayah u ker...kan sedap hasanudin...
me:dah buat dah....I letak nama u je la mcm tuh?
her: eh jgn tak leh tidur karang...
me: then tak tahu nak buat ape...takpe I try jer...
then changed la the new passwords by using her name....the interesting parts was this is first time ever in my life la..use pc com passwords by using others people name...why it happened?? Crap! then solved le problems aku nih... tak lama kemudian supprisingly she call back...oh sweet!!
her: so mcm mana dah ok?
me: dah thanks erk....I guna nama u jer...
her: habisla tak tidur mlm la mcm ni...I dah agak dah nama I ok....
me: thanks ape email u?
then.......cukup la takat tu jer korang nin!!!.....
Thank you to all for the nice responds. I really appreciate all your responds and suggestions. You guys inspired me to go forward on my wirting. Once again Thank you to all.
Waaaahhh.... lamenye 4 hari tak tulis..sbb busy mengikuti apeal kes si russian tuh then cut and paste jer russian nye story tu mesti korang pun bosan "ape menda si fer ni buat kan?" hahahahah...(sori ler hari nie kurang ade mood nak tulis everything in English, kalau kene marah ngan cikgu englishku pun nasiblah). Anyways, kite yang kat umah nie baru baik demam yang telah berlangsung selame due hari. For two days, nak bangun katil pun cam torture, tambah dengan sakit perut yang memulas and suhu badang yang tak leh nak decide kalau die nak sejuk ke panas. Kejap pasang kipas, kejap tutup kipas, nak kesian dengan mrs kipasku tuh, baik kesian diri senirik sebab due malam tak leh nak tido, merane sorang2 sebab tanak jumpe doctor. Tang sakit perut tu lah tak tahan sebab nak gie bathroom tak leh, lan jenis sakit nye, nak baring sakit, nak duduk pun sakit. Last-last berdiri jalan keliling umah tgh malam, gie terkejutkan uncle yang ingat kan penyangak mane ntah masuk umah, nasib baik tak kene silat. Nasib baik jugak treadmill dah tak ujud dalam umah (ye ke nasib baik?) kalau tak ade jugak gune treadmill kol 3 pagi sebab takleh nak tido. Hantu betul.
Bangun pepagi ingatkan buleh ler study utk IELTS lebey2 sket... hampeh, habuk pun tak masuk. Ngehehe... then take a break and tgk list people not in my contact list, but have me in theirs. Ade lah jugak quite a few, mase tgh dok2 ponder "pas test nak kene clean-up email, kene delete contacts yg tak....", tetibe perasan satu email me yang kinda vaguely familiar lah jugak. Pastu it hits me. Ish, org nie tak patut have me dalam die punye contact pun, actually. So selepas setahun tak memblock org secare permanent, I broke my rule and move the address to my "blocked messages" kotak. Childish? Maybe. Stupid? Hell yeah. Puas hati tak pastu? Definitely. Heheh. Diabolical minds works in twisted ways. then tengahari buat alligment keta...bleh plak stereng keta aku sengget....cuba check sikit...???
If we leave economic interests aside, what remains is that I was socially engaged, and personally supported opposition parties financially. In the meeting with the president I gave a lecture on corruption in the highest levels of power. This lecture was the result of discussions with many people, including Kremlin authorities. Several of them had to leave the Kremlin afterwards. Those are the facts. The rest is myth. The new charges brought against me are also complete lunacy.
two things that have made me really happy today the working day is almost ending and someone who talked about "Ireland and Sorry"...
But work has been good, went lunch together with gabbie, zeta, mahyudd and shaza yesterday then also to an old friends dinner event afterwards. One would’ve thought that after seven years in an old friends school, I would’ve known better by now, luckily enough for people reading this blog, I haven’t really. LoL. But it wasn’t bad, the food and drinks were good, the location kinda sucked a bit but hey, if I have to get on the freeway just to get to a restaurant, I’d rather have it be that restaurant. Oh, in case you were wondering, we went to the TGI Fridays, near (or in) Pavillion downtown.
I realize that I don’t have time to feel bored. There’s work during the weekdays, then socials during the weekend, and at night, I’d be so pooped from all the day activities I’d go straight to sleep after fighting to stay awake for Isya’ prayers. It’s been a lil’ hectic. On the plus side, I’m better at driving around anywhere now and figuring out where things are, and also figuring out that maneuvering the freeway is the only way I can survive around here.
I'm gonna watching X-files on Saturday. Should be fun, I hope. I liked the x-files tv shows and I’m hoping the movie one doesn’t disappoint. Some of my friends also actually recommended death race, with Jason Statham and Joan Allen. I dunno, it might be worth getting to.
I’m not feeling well right now, something is making me very uncomfortable and I can’t put my finger on it. To someone who talked about "Ireland" and "Sorry" I really appreciates what you've been doing but I really dont deserve your be continue...
October 28, 2007 - by Kim Zigfeld
If you know the name Mikhail Khodorkovsky, it probably doesn’t surprise you to learn that his lawyer, Robert Amsterdam, has published a 75-page white paper documenting a litany of constitutional violations by the Kremlin prosecutors who got his client sentenced to eight years in a Siberian gulag on allegations of corporate fraud.
But so what, right? What else would his own lawyer say?
Khodorkovsky, former CEO of the formerly enormous YUKOS oil concern (now liquidated by the Kremlin) was arrested four years ago last week, at five o’clock in the morning Moscow time, while his airplane was refueling in the Siberian town of Novosibirsk...continue.......
August 20, 2008 - by Fer
A prosecutor can almost always find some half-baked reason to indict an individual. Traffic cops, for instance, have long joked that they can ticket anybody if they watch them closely for five miles. Everybody is intrinsically a law breaker. And no, I’m not exaggerating. The spirit of the law must dominate, not the strict letter—or civilization will collapse. We will return to savagery. Human laws often contradict themselves and some are still on the books even though they have been ignored for years. Why did the Russians decide to prosecute Mikhail Khodorkovsky? Was it truly legitimate—or just an excuse to harass a “trouble maker”?
Those interested in expressing support for Mr. Khodorkovsky can visit the following website:
If I'm the one who's always making plans, and she just goes along with it, then maybe he's really not that into me.
OhYash!!!!...I read(sinopsis kek belakang sikit jer..heck!) in a Sidney Sheldon novel, a quote that went along something like this "Never assume, it makes an ASS out of YOU and ME". Do not assume that if you feel that something is hard for you, then it will automatically be hard for me. Don't assume that if you felt this situation really tried your nerves, then if you put me in it, I'll automatically break down and cry. Don't assume that if I cry, it's because I'm weak, maybe it's better for me to cry rather than ravage another person with cutting words and my anger. Because I think through the way I handled myself through all the shit that happened to me this year, and how I handled all of the mishandled criticisms I had of "taking advantage of the situation", I think I did pretty well, thank you very much. I didn't turn to mush. I didn't break down completely even when all I wanted to do was to leave everything and run away.
What makes a good piece of essay, a good novel, a good book? What makes an entry in an online journal good? When people say it's good? When a lot of people buy the book, the newspaper, come to the website? When people compliment you about it? For me, something is good when you can read something and know that it actually comes from the heart, not just facts, because a heart feels, beats to the rhythm not only of the body but the mind and the soul. Facts? Using the words that so often describe "facts", they're hard and cold... Okay?I'm sleepy and cranky, so I better pen off now and get some sleep.... zzzzz....
Okay, so I just said I love my job. However, I wasn't liking the issues that was happening in the team (the fights, arguments, blame, the root course... let's just say things weren't going well). As much as I would love to rant and go into details, I'm not gonna. Simply because I don't want a written proof that I just went off on a specific person/people. I'm not gonna embarrass him/her/them like that. Of course, I also don't wanna get sued down the road after I become famous (how will I be famous? Dunno, haven't thought that far yet. )
I'm, however, going in general. I've too much anger to just let it sit and simmer. Hypocrisy, no matter how much all of us try to avoid it or deny it, lives in all of us. And yes, I do mean all. Try and count the times that you have said one thing then did the total opposite, or when you criticize someone for doing something but then found yourself doing the exact same thing. I know I've done it, and I've seen all of my friends do it, too (how do you suppose people find topics to gossip about?). Now while hypocrasy is a universal trait, there's a diference between that and being a full-blown hypocrite. A hypocrite doesn't recognize he/she is a hypocrite. Hypocrites tend to impose their opinions on others. Worse of all, what they say tend to hurt and in some cases, have a long lasting effect. And in my experience, hypocrites also tend to be able to talk their way out of a lot of things, or make it seem like what they say or do is totally right and in reality, it's not.
I know certain things we should not do; make a joke that hurt feelings, embrrass people in public, steal, discard people's idea all the time in favor of our own, and do not; attack person when their down, impose opinions on others, pretend you are doing work when you are not. These are some reason that all of us should not do, we know this right!; yet one time or another, we caught ourselves red-handed doing one of these unforgivables and the only way to make things better is to repent and apologize if you had hurt somebody.
Sometimes even that does not work. Although I try not to let it consume me, I still find myself getting angry time and again over a mean word a friend said, or a mean thing someone did, or being bullied. The thing that calms me down is to remember that most of them do not mean to be cruel, and to also remember that somewhere out there someone else might still be hurting over what I did, too. Of course, that does not stop me from breaking friendships whenever I feel like I couldn't take it anymore (it is a vice of mine, less good, I know. I'm not the best example LoL).
Sometimes when things do not work, it is better to part ways. That's exactly what happened to my job. Some of the team members had to split ways with others so that the yelling would stop and the work could be done. It is not the most ideal situation, but at least it is a step to a better direction. You cannot treat people poorly and not expect repercussions. There are times to pick battles, and there are times to just shut up. There are ways to get around annoyances without airing out your and our problems in public. People are not meant to be perfect, that is a given. But we are given the choice to not appear .... So why choose to be one?
At least the team issues are pretty much resolved. I learned an important not be afraid to admit when a situation is not working. I thought I learned that some time ago. If it doesn't work, and you have given it your best shot, then it just doesn't work.
Omigosh! I'm babble too much.....and I need to stop! as usual I'm not making any sense to anybody, better stop before I start eating my finger...
I have had the craziest idea of touring "states"(specifically wyoming)....alone. A friend of mine did it. I'm sure it wasn't that bad....except for the visa though! I remember touring by train when I was in Europe. ohkies..I'm not exactly a fan of gettin around by train. But I admitted the trip was pretty fun. I love going to places with rides and stuff like that, but I haven't had any cultural experience for well over many years, and I can barely remember the places that I went when I was there. Actually I wouldn't mind touring with friends of course but somehow I don't think anyone would wanna do the same stuff that I wan to....boring stuff like going to museums, sight seeing and stuff like that....I love stockholm , but aside from the "heart of stockholm" everything are so inacessible. Oh parents would probaly have a fit if I tell them I want to travel alone again, but tour with an agency seems safe unough, so we will see :)
huh!! nak titun sat...nnti sambung tulis blik.....LoL
Aiiihhh.... had a really long day today, as always. Strange how that seems to be the case everytime I have lotsa things due. Anyway, I got a nice msg today. Nice I was commended on my writing( thanks zeta, tp nape tak faham ape yg aku tulis erk! english aku teruk erk?) since apparently my writing skills "Surpassed" of the we'll c...the compliment was nice, I always like hearing nice stuff about my writing. Sometimes I wonder if I have talent or it just repressed emotions that I can't say out loud because I'd sound like a pretentious american wannabe, so I write all of it down instead. We'll see about this blog, I don't want take reponsibilities that I can't commit, it would hurt people and damage my ability(whatever's left of it) and it would just be plain selfish and stupid. Like they say when you take on any responsibility, just like being a fuhrer, "one step closer to the hell". That is how serious things get and that is how serious I take it nowdays.....hmmmm!! enuff...enuff..enuff..!!!

WRITTEN A REAL LETTER? errr... hehe.. nooooo